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reiki mental emotional symbols
The 'Mental-Emotional Healing' symbol

A PROBABLE source of this symbol is frequently seen in Buddhist temples.

This source is the written character 'Kiriku' (pronounced somewhere between: k'rik and k'lik) - one of many shuji or 'seed' characters used by Mikkyo Buddhists as meditative focii.

'Kiriku' is the Japanese rendition of the name of a particular character from the 'Siddham' form of the Sanscrit script. In Sanscrit, this character is called 'Hrih' .

Beyond its meditative use, the sacred Siddham script (brought to Japan in the 9thC) is employed by Mikkyo Buddhists exclusively for writing mantras, sutras and magico-religious Tantric formulas

Two versions of the character Kiriku (Sanscrit 'Hrih' )
seed symbol

'formal' version on the left and an example of a stylised version of the same character on the right.

is the 'spiritual emblem' of both the Buddha Amida and the Bodhisatva Senju Kanzeon.
siddham bonji shuji
Yet, while the outward form of 'symbol 2' may indeed be derived from the shuji Kiriku, we should not fall into the trap of assuming that 'symbol 2' must therefore have the same significance/association as Kiriku...

Each of the four Reiki symbols has an accompanying Japanese mantra/phraze - frequently referred to as a jumon ('spell' or 'incantation'). In 'western' lineage Reiki this jumon is commonly used as the symbol's name.

The jumon accompanying Symbol 2 is: "sei he ki" (or "sei heiki")

Just as with the jumon "choku rei", there has been some debate as to the precise meaning of "sei he(i) ki".

In Japan, when actually presented in written form, the jumon for Symbol 2 is generally not written in kanji characters (which would provide a clear indication of the meaning), but rather in katakana (one of two Japanese phonetic syllabaries used in addition to kanji ideograms)

Unlike kanji which allude to the meaning of the words, katakana merely record the sounds of the words.

The jumon for Symbol 2 has been written in katakana both as sei he ki:
. . . . . . . . ............................... .

and as sei heiki:

. . . . . . . . ............................. .

As to possible kanji forms of the jumon, (and therefore implied meaning) it would seem that we must rely on some 'educated' speculation...

hen written as:
. . . . . . . . ............................... . .
Seiheki refers to disposition; inclination; characteristic; idiosyncrasy.

However, as stated, this jumon has also been given as sei heiki.

Sei heiki is, I feel, quite apt, as, written in the following kanji:
. . . . . . . . . .. ...... .... ............... .
it can refer to emotional calmness or unconcern. (sei here implies: emotion; feelings; passion
. heiki = calmness; composure; unconcern. )

When written as:
. . . . . . . . . .. ...... .... ............... .
Sei implies something Spiritual, Holy or Sacred. Again, heiki = calmness; composure; unconcern - thus implying: 'Spiritual Composure' - the perfect antidote for mental-emotional dis-order.

Basic Uses of Symbol 2:

Symbol 2 is employed in the treating of mental/emotional issues, including anxiety, stress, nervousness, fear, depression, etc.; and in the treating of addictions.
It can also be used to help with the release of 'wound memories' [or 'emotional body armour']
Some practitioners use the symbol to help improve memory-recall; and it can be employed as s tool for de-programming inappropriate responses to given events / situations, etc, as well as in the programming of positive habits and responses...

Various different forms of Symbol 2

The 'Power' Symbol

The 'Power Symbol' and its 'secret Shinto jumon'

The 'Distant' Symbol

Various different forms of Symbol 3

The 'Master' Symbol

The Master Symbol part 2 - The Reiki symbol that (supposedly) never was...

Various different forms of Symbol 4

The Introduction of the symbols into Reiki

The Reiki Symbols - Unsubstantiated Associations

'Training Wheels' or Essential, Deeper 'Spiritual Tools'?

The Symbols from a Japanese Buddhist Perspective

The Kurama Kokyo Sect and the Reiki Symbols

The Choku Rei Trail - the terms 'Choku Rei', 'Dai Ko Myo'
and 'Reiki' in Japanese 'New Religions

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