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Various styles of writing the DKM

When it comes to writing words/phrases in the 'roman' (English) alphabet, there are many different styles we can use, whether we opt for a particular form [ ie. typeface/font-style] of Block Capitals or lower-case letters; or one of the various formal cursive handwriting styles (- with most individuals having their own personally-identifiable 'sub-style'). 

The same is of course true when it comes to writing in Japanese.

Above are sixteen examples of different traditional and modern styles of writing the phrase:
“dai k
ō myō” (dai kou myou).


early script versions DKM

Here are a further eleven additional examples in far more archaic script forms.

Below are several examples of versions of the dai kō myō as found in Reiki books, manuals, handouts, etc.

In the main, such 'alternative' versions of the dai kō myō have come into being as a result of people who were not familiar with Japanese calligraphy, attempting to replicate the symbol-form shown to them by their teachers, who in turn had often made imprecise copies of the symbol as presented by their teachers, and so on....


While accidental alterations to the DKM have occurred over time due to poor calligraphic skills, some individuals have made a conscious decision - for whatever reasons – to replace the dai kō myō kanji (however poorly written) with a completely different symbol presumably of their own creation:

modern alternative DKM's

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