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Glossary of Japanese Terminology
in Spiritual/Healing Arts

Copyright © 2002/3 James Deacon

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Sammitsu The 'Three Secrets/Mysteries' - the triple-discipline of imitsu, kumitsu and shinmitsu, through the study and practice of which Mikkyo Buddhists seek to awaken direct experience of Enlightenment
Sandoku The Three Poisons [of greed, anger and delusion]
Sanjin the 'Three Bodies': hosshin, hojin, ojin
Sanriki jobutsu attaining buddhahood through the 'three powers' or three sources: practice of sammitsu, 'grace' of Nyorai, and the power of the Dharmic Universe
Seika tanden The Abdominal Tanden or Power Centre - not so much a 'point' as an 'area' midway between the navel and the top of the pubic bone. One of the three primary Power Centres in Traditional Japanese Healing, Spiritual & Martial Arts disciplines
Sei heiki Depending on the kanji used to write 'Sei Heiki', the name can mean 'emotional calmness' or 'spiritual composure'
Seiki 'Vital Life-Force'
Seiki Jutsu 'Art of the Vital Life-force'. The Seiki-based healing modality of Ikuko Osumi, Sensei
Seiki Ryoho Vital Life-Force Treatment (/Healing Method).
In 1928, Jozo Ishii of the seiki ryoho kenkyu jo (Seiki Treatment Institute / Research Establishment) published a small book entitled: "Essentials of Seiki Self-Healing Therapy".
Seiki Soho A Seiki-based modality developed by Shiatsu Master Akinobu KISHI
Seiki Te-ate Vital Life-Force Therapy
Seiryoku power, vitality, vital force
Seitodo 'Stillness & Motion' - an exercise to stimulate seiki flow
Seiza Traditional Japanese kneeling posture, sitting back on (or between) the heels
Sekizui joka ibuki ho Spinal Cord (sekizui) Purification (joka) Breath (ibuki) Method (ho) - a technique of 'insufflation' or blowing of energy-breath to release negativity from the spine
Senko stick insense
Shakyo Sutra-copying - as a meditative device, means of generating merit
'The True Word' -main school of Mikkyo Buddhism, founded by Kukai in 9thC. Can also refer to a Mantra.
Shinki The three holy and sacred objects (sword, mirror and jewel) of the Imperial Regalia
Shinmitsu the mystic practice of posture and the use of mudra-gesture (ketsu-in). One element of (sammitsu)
Shirushi 'Symbol'
Shu-in Handsign
Shugyo 'Training', Ascetic Discipline
Shuji A 'Seed' Character: one of several characters from the Siddham (Sanskrit) script .
Shuku go residual karma
Sokushin jobutsu 'becoming a buddha in this very body' - the core purpose of esoteric practice
Sui 'Water' - the water-aspect of the Godai 'Five Elements'
Taimitsu Mikkyo or esoteric aspect of Tendai Buddhism
Taiso ''Physical exercises'
Tariki 'other power' results achieved or merits bestowed without personal effort (e.g. salvation by faith) - contrasts with and complements jiriki
Ta soku ichi, issoku ta "All is one, one is all"
Tatsu Alternative term for Ryu: Dragon
Te-ate 'Hand-Treatment' - generic term for Japanese hands-on healing modalities
Tenchi 'Heaven & Earth'
Tenchijin Heaven-Earth-Human
Second largest school of Mikkyo Buddhism, founded by Saicho
Tera a Buddhist temple
Tomitsu Mikkyo or esoteric aspect of Shingon Buddhism
Tora Alternative term for Ko: Tiger
Tsubo 'Vase': a subtle-energy focal area
Ubume The ghost of a woman buried while pregnant and has given birth to a live child while entombed within the coffin. Ubume will attempt to call attention to the situation by buying candy from nearby shops and leaving leaves as payment before disappearing, or by standing on streetcorners during the night offering the apparition of a child to passers-by. Considered harmless and pitiable
Unmei Fate or destiny. It is said that Umei rules ones life and cannot be controlled or changed. Once the gods have determined your path, you have no choice but to follow it. Tampering with someone's unmei can have serious consequences

A term used by many Japanese shamanic practitioners to describe 'power spots' - places where the 'veil' between this world and the World of the Spirit is thin. (Usui = Thin).
However, in this instance, 'usui' -although having the same sound - is written in different kanji than the surname Usui

Yureii A spirit of the dead who returns to earth seeking revenge. They usually appear between 2-4 a.m and take on the form they had when alive ( but they have no legs and the hems of their robes trail empty along the ground), however,yureii can possess any object, like an obake, and use that as a physical conduit for their actions. Yureii are most often female ghosts, as it is believed that women are more likely to harbor strong emotions and thus, come back from death as a specter. They are unable to find rest until their vengeance is complete and this may take centuries; they do not roam arbitrarily but are bound to a specific place. Yureii typically kill their victims by attacking them violently and draining their life energy (ki) and blood and they are commonly known as hungry ghosts. They are limited to attempted murder on only those whom they wish to visit personal revenge upon
Waka 'Japanese Song' - short poems with lines containing fixed numbers of syllables. [The familiar Zen haikyu are a form of waka]
Yakushi Ruriku Nyorai
In Mikkyo, the Healing Nyorai (Buddha). "The Master of Remedies". Also referred to as:Yakushi Rurikô Nyorai - 'the Nyorai of Emerald Radiance'.
Zoumitsu Tantric Practices for worldly benefits (Shingon)

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