A 1928 REIKI
Copyright © 2003 James Deacon

"A Palm-Healing
Treatment to Cure Many Diseases " by Shou Matsui
Shou Matsui (1870 - 1933) had worked as a journalist before becoming
well-known as a playwright and drama teacher, and supporter of
the traditional form of Japanese Theatre called Kabuki.
He was also one of Chujiro Hayashi's Reiki students.
as a playwright Mr. Matsui continued to write articles and reviews,
etc, including one particular Reiki-promoting piece, published
in the 'Sunday Mainichi' [Sunday Every Day] Magazine, on March
4th, 1928.
response to a request from a reader who wrote:
I would like to learn about the treatment introduced in the
book presentation by Shou Matsui in the 'Mainichi' on January
Matsui responds:
am pleased to discuss this method.
This cure-all treatment is called "Reiki Ryoho" and
is practiced by an elite group of people. It was created, or rather
founded, by Sensei Mikao Usui who passed away a few years ago.
Currently, his students have clinics where they practice healing
and train others in Reiki Ryoho. Although remarkable in its effectiveness,
not many people are familiar with this treatment. Sensei Mikao
Usui did not like to advertise Reiki Ryoho and so his students
are also hesitant in publicising it."
Matsui goes on to say that he really can't see why they don't
make an effort to publicise Reiki Ryoho. He comments about how
various religions proclaim and spread their teachings - speaks
of the positive use of propaganda and how if the truth can make
people happy then it should be a persons duty to spread the truth.
it is that when asked, I always promote this Reiki Ryoho in a
positive way. I will write about it if asked. Yet my doing so
attracts criticism from other Reiki Ryoho practitioners. I do
think it is a shame to refrain from publicising such a great healing
technique. It is a both a moral and a social shame and I am always
pleased to promote it."
Matsui continues to explain that he wouldn't like readers or other
journalists to get the wrong impression. He does not want people
to think that the reason Reiki Ryoho practitioners generally do
not promote their art is because it is all sham and trickery.
I will take on the responsibility and promote the truth about
Reiki, both for the sake of the art and for the sake of those
who are suffering. In writing this, I am acting on my own - these
are my thoughts, and I am responsible for them, this has nothing
to do with other Reiki Ryoho practitioners. I find I am so excited
about this treatment that I can hardly concentrate on scriptwriting
since having learned how to use it."
is, Mr. Matsui says, his desire to promote Reiki Ryoho far and
wide, so that not only the Japanese people, but people all over
the world will be free from disease, know excellent health and
be much happier.
in the same breath, he mentions how in the years since Reiki Ryoho
was first developed by Mikao Usui, only a handful of clinics have
actually been established to provide this wonderful treatment.
Mr. Matsui goes on to speak about how he was initiated into Reiki
by Chujiro Hayashi - a warm-hearted yet serious man, according
to Matsui - one who seemed as if he had been destined from birth
to work with Reiki.
He mentions that Chujiro Hayashi gives Reiki treatments to clients
in the morning, and teaches Reiki Ryoho for five days each month.
then goes on to explain that, because there are numerous other
treatment methods and sects which have the syllable 'Rei' in their
name, many people incorrectly assume Reiki Ryoho is connected
with these other groups. [Note: in the early part of the 20th
C, several such groups were viewed with suspicion due to supposed
'cultist' behaviour] And, as Reiki Ryoho practitioners are unwilling
to speak out and clarify their beliefs and position, it is little
wonder that this much-needed treatment style has not grown in
"I would like to state that, of all the treatment methods
I have encountered, Reiki Ryoho is the most effective and the
most unique. It can really heal, whatever the disorder. People
ask: 'is Reiki Ryoho effective in dealing with psychological disorders?'
Yes it is, and it can also heal all manner of internal diseases
and external injuries as well. Intestinal problems, burns, rheumatism,
nervous problems - the lot!"
Ryoho, Mr. Matsui explains, is considered a spiritual technique
- as the "Rei" part of the name suggests. However, he
himself considers it to be a very practical, physical technique.
Mr. Matsui says he bases this belief on his personal experience,
having successfully treating more than a hundred patients. He
says that some people put the effects of Reiki Ryoho on a par
with the miracle healings of Jesus and Buddha, but that he, Matsui, is simply
a normal, practical-minded, and common person - not a great person,
not a man of great character. He does claim to be 'spiritually
To him, Reiki Ryoho is not something supernatural, but a natural,
physiological treatment method.
then goes on to give some examples of disorders he has treated,
explaining that he has effected many such healings which, though
seemingly miraculous, are simply the result of applying a practical
treatment (Reiki Ryoho) which stimulates the body's self-healing
how he gives treatment, Mr. Matsui says:
simply place my hands on the affected part. I don't push or pat.
To me, this is the interesting point about this healing method.
I scan the patient's whole body, sense the source of the disorder,
treat that area, and the healing effect is dramatic. I can discover
the source of disease because I will feel pain when I place my
hands there. Depending on the disorder, the intensity of pain
differs, but I am not sure of the precise relationship between
the condition of the disorder and the intensity of pain felt.
I don't just feel this pain in my hands at the point indicated
by the patient, I also feel it at the point which is the source
of disease, so I can find the treatment point easily. Unlike doctors,
I do not need the patient to tell me where and how they experience
their disorder. Patients may be suspicious about my treatment,
but no matter, within thirty minutes to two hours their condition
will undergo a noticeable change.
As an example, take a man with serious heart disease. His pulse
is 85 beats per minute and he feels pain in the heart. His doctor
says there is cardiovascular constriction. Yet I don't feel any
pain in my palms when I place my hands over his heart. But as
I move down to the area of the stomach, the intestines, and the
kidneys, I experience sensations of pain and so I give Reiki treatment
to these areas. In a short time his condition improves.
So why is the heart condition healed? And why do the healer's
hands experience pain? These are important questions. It really
is a mystery how disorders which the doctor has given up on can
be healed by laying hands on the body. While it cannot be truly
explained, it is generally seen as a spiritual phenomenon.
In my opinion, the blood circulation in my hands has increased
since I was initiated by Mr. Hayashi.
I am unable to reveal Mr. Hayashi's teaching method and initiation
process, but certainly this was what gave me the healing ability,
and strongly sensitised my hands.
Anyway, I believe the increased circulation in my hands stimulates
the patients own blood circulation when I place my hands on their
Matsui then explains that in his view, the patient's circulation
and pulse rate become synchronised with those of the therapist
and this is how healing occurs.
He goes on to say:
I speak to them about Reiki Ryoho, most 'intelligent' people will
say, "It must be 'Animal Electricity'."
he continues, current science doesn't clearly understand the nature
of electricity, and likewise the true nature of Reiki cannot be
easily explained or defined now. Mr. Matsui says that, in his
opinion, the effect of Reiki treatment could be due to something
such as the 'ether' - but as the 'ether' has not been not examined
scientifically either, people will laugh at him.
when I need to explain to a patient about the Reiki effect, "ether"
is a good analogy."
says that he cannot explain clearly and correctly - that he does
not have the mathematical skill.
Anyway, now I am satisfied with the practical effect of Reiki.
And at first, even I laughed at the idea of this treatment."
explains that one day he told a friend that as he was feeling
unwell he thought he might take up playing golf. The friend, whose
opinion Matsui valued has told him about Reiki.
"I became interested in it, and while not really believing
in it, I and my family took training in it."
Mr. Matsui says that, soon after starting to
learn Reiki, he had occasion to try Reiki Ryoho on a man who had
a fish bone stuck in his throat.
" I tried Reiki Ryoho on him
without expectation, and the pain was gone. It was then that I
understood the essence of this treatment. I cannot laugh at the
Reiki method anymore."
was introduced to Mr. Hayashi by a mutual acquaintance and I paid
a large sum of money to learn this treatment method. There are
several grades including Shoden (elementary level) and Okuden
(advanced level), but I am still at the elementary level - not
yet having reached Okuden.
am not sure of all the details yet but I've heard there are further
grades to achieve. Those involved with this Ryoho are very modest
and don't like to boast about the wonderful treatment. It is odd
that such modest people create grades and charge for initiation
into this method, but I suppose we must accept that it is their
For this reason, I am not free to discuss the means of initiation
into this healing ability, or the precise details of its application."
Mr. Matsui does say that he feels he can speak briefly about some
aspects of Reiki Ryoho training:
"To begin learning Reiki Ryoho, you train for an hour
and a half a day for five days. Some people can heal others from
the very first day of training. It's so easy to learn this treatment.
A special inherent state of consciousness, like a sixth sense,
is awakened by the training and the ability to heal is activated.
The Teacher gives clear and simple instruction. The ability is
common to all people and everyone except babies can use it to
heal others. The treatment involves simply placing your hands
on the affected part. There is nothing easier than our Reiki Ryoho.
I should really like to share this treatment process, not just
with an elite group of people, but with the general public, but
I am unable to do so for the reason stated above. All I can do
is to speak about Reiki Ryoho's existence so that as many people
as possible will know about it."
giving a further three examples of cases of healings he has effected
with Reiki treatment, Mr. Matsui concludes:
"I could go on recounting my stories of healings brought
about by Reiki Ryoho.
However, there are, no doubt, many skeptics who wont believe me,
and this is only natural if you haven't experienced it yourself.
If you have some simple disorder, I can cure it easily. But I've
little interest in treating easy cases because doctors can cure
them, too. If you know of someone with a serious disorder - one
beyond the help of doctors, please bring them to me, or if they
are not able to come to me, I can visit them.
But as you can appreciate, I am a busy man - with several scripts
to complete for a couple of theatre companies in time for next
month's productions. So I am unable to deal with many patients
but, to test my palm-healing ability, I will treat a single patient
suffering from a serious complaint."