An 'alignment' ceremony, created by James Deacon
[This is not a 'traditional' Reiki technique]
Copyright © 2010 James Deacon
HERE (Document No. 44 on list)
Gokai - the Five Principles or Precepts - are, at very least,
important keys to the system that is Usui Reiki Ryoho. In the
simple statements of the Gokai are to be found a distillation
Usui-sensei's teachings - the very essence of his Reiho - his
'Spiritual Method'
Perhaps it is fair to say that they are not
just 'important' but rather 'VITAL' - that they are the very CORE of
Usui-sensei's system .
although students are usually introduced to the Five Reiki Principles as part
of level one training and the Principles are discussed in far greater depth at
level two, it seems that a high percentage of students – possibly
due to the apparent simplicity of the concepts involved - do not
really 'get' the true importance of the Gokai within Usui Reiki Ryoho
at all.
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fact it is fair to say that a great many (level one) students seem
completely uninterested in them, instead, just fixating on wanting to
be able to 'channel the healing energy'. The irony of course is that the
Gokai form an indispensable part of the Usui healing system, being as
they are, essential 'keys' to the deeper realization of true healing, harmony and well-being.
The simplistic terms in which the Five Principles are stated, belies their complex, multi-level significance:
as guideposts to spiritual development;
as jumon:
mantric words of spiritual force, with meaning and influence beyond
the obvious;
as a direct set of moral and ethical admonitions;
as strategies to apply to life to facilitate interpersonal
as a 'mnemonic device' - an aid to 'mindful
remembrance' and 'living in the moment';
-on a far more
immediate, practical/material level:
as therapeutic guidelines
which are intended to be applied – by both practitioner and client
alike - as basic 'preventative medicine'.
It's no wonder that Usui-sensei himself described the Gokai1 as:
no hihô, Manbyo no rei yaku"
secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many
so it was that I initially (2006) began developing the Gokai Blessing
ceremony in response to a perceived need for a means of helping
'align' students to the Gokai on a subtle level - a need for a means
to help them connect at a level beyond words.
had in mind a simple ceremony, a ritualised practice, something
teachers could integrate into their level one (& two) training
courses in conjunction with meaningful indepth discussion about the Gokai and
their multi-level role in Usui Reiki Ryoho
over time it became obvious that this ceremony, beyond its
initially-intended function, actually produced direct therapeutic
effects itself.
helping the student connect on a psychological level with the
Principles, this “Gokai Blessing” turned out to be an effective
healing practice in its own right, something which could be utilised,
not just by Reiki Teachers, but also by level 2 practitioners ( –
at least ones who were comfortable and confident in working with SHK
and CKR, and who themselves had progressed some way with integrating
the Gokai into their own lives2 ) - a ceremony they could share
with both fellow practitioners and clients alike.
Gokai Blessing involves the use of two Reiki symbols: the CKR and SHK.
(Of the CKR, Takata-sensei said "It is very simple, but...remember that
it is very powerful. Because it is a very powerful symbol, we do not
use it many times". Of SHK, she said:“When you make the Seiheki you are
talking to the subconscious
In essence, the Blessing combines elements of a version
of the reiju process, with elements of a version of seiheki
chiryo ho (the habit treatment), and the practice known as Gokai sansho (reciting the Gokai three times).
I feel it is important to be ever mindful that this is a
must never be charged for, not even indirectly.
its use, there must be no barter, no reciprocal arrangements.
is, and must always be, a pure, unconditional, gift.
treat it as anything less is to dishonour and disrespect both
yourself and the
for performing the Gokai Blessing ceremony
the recipient should be seated upright yet relaxed on a stool or
chair, with their hands in their lap, feet flat on the floor. An image
of the Gokai should be displayed, propped up on a stool or small
table directly in front of the recipient (literally only a few inches in front of their knees), and throughout the
ceremony they should lightly focus their attention on this image.
are a couple of options as to how to begin the Gokai Blessing, choose
whichever you feel is right for you.]
yourself so as to be facing the recipient, a few feet behind the image of the Gokai, bring your hands into
the gassho mudra (prayer position), palms together hands at
the level of the heart centre.
the recipient to do likewise.
to each other.
recipient should maintain gassho throughout the blessing
a calm, flowing motion, move in a
clockwise direction around the recipient (i.e. passing their right
side), to position yourself behind directly them.
place your hands on their shoulders (- as if you were going to give
them a shoulder massage).
this be a pre-arranged signal to the recipient that you are about to
begin the sharing of the Gokai Blessing experience.
yourself directly behind the recipient. Stand up straight, yet
place your hands on their shoulders (- as if you were going to give
them a shoulder massage).
this be a pre-arranged signal to the recipient that you are about to
begin the sharing of the Gokai Blessing experience and that they
should place their hands in the gassho mudra: palms together,
hands at the level of the heart centre.
opening option you choose, the ceremony continues:
a few brief moments, close your eyes, centre yourself - Simply 'be'
- silently and restfully 'watching the breath': loosely focussing on
the natural rhythms of your own breathing. There is no interference
with the natural process - no seeking to consciously breathe - merely
to be aware that you are breathing effortlessly.
you are ready, gradually
match your breathing to the recipient's breathing rhythms.
mindful of your intent to share the
Gokai Blessing. (perhaps
you might wish to make a silent statement of intent - something to
the effect of: "I offer the Gokai Blessing now")
feelings of true compassion in your heart, and do whatever you do to
let the Reiki flow.
a few moments, take a step back and prepare to perform a calming
'aura sweep' to balance the recipient's energy and dilate their field
(i.e. to let their energy flow more evenly):
Inhale smoothly
and deeply as you raise your open hands up slightly above the
level of the recipient's head, and in one firm, smooth,
slow, steady motion,
sweep your hands down behind the recipient's back at a distance of about 6 -
8 inches from their body, (bending from your knees as you need to)
your hands coming to rest at the level of the recipient's feet.
care not to 'ruffle' the recipient's energy field in the process, arc your
hands out to the sides as you return to an upright position and bring
your hands to rest up above the recipient's head once more.
is important to keep your hands out to the sides as you come up, so
as not to accidentally 'sweep the field' in an upward,
'invigorating', direction at this time)
this aura-sweeping process twice more.
After completing the
sweep for the third time, step forward again and draw the SHK symbol in the air above the
centre of the recipient's head. Draw it smoothly, clearly; see it as
pure bright shining light – feel its resonance.
intone the symbol's mantra.
Let the Reiki flow.
draw the CKR symbol in the air above the centre of the recipient's
head. Draw it smoothly, clearly see it as pure bright shining light –
feel its resonance.
intone the symbol's mantra.
Let the Reiki flow.
Clap your hands.
Clap your hands a second time.
the tip of your index and middle fingers, write the word 'Gokai'
in Japanese kanji characters in the palm of each of your own hands.
Much as you do when drawing a Reiki symbol, write the word smoothly and clearly, visualizing it as pure bright shining light –
feel its resonance in your palms.
some time beforehand to the practice of writing the two kanji characters which form
the word 'Gokai'. With a little mindful practice you will soon
remember the twelve simple strokes which form the complete word.]
gassho and bow ( to the Light of Wisdom residing within the
a calm, flowing motion, move to position yourself at the recipient's
left side.
Place your left hand gently on their forehead, and your
right on their occipital ridge (the point where neck and skull meet)
an aid to focus, you may wish to hold the image of the kanji-form of the word 'Gokai' in your mind's eye:
the Five principles out loud- slowly, clearly, mindfully:
da-ke wa
oko-ru na3
su na
shi te
gyo (w)o
ni shin-setsu ni"
But don't just say
the words – feel them - feel their resonance - feel
their meaning on as many
levels as you can. Perceive them as generating an aura of
light, bathing the recipient,
suffusing them, flowing into and throughout them
After reciting the Gokai, stay in this position for a short while, and simply let the Reiki flow.
When you feel ready, gently reposition your hands so that your left hand is a few
inches in front of the recipient's throat, and your right is on the
back of the lower part of their neck. [The left hand should generally
be held in the aura rather than placed directly on the throat, as
many people find direct throat-contact a subconscious threat4]
As before, you may wish to hold the image of the kanji-form of the word 'Gokai' in your mind's eye as you recite the Gokai out loud a
second time, slowly, clearly, mindfully.
Feel the words,
their power, their sentiment. Perceive them as generating an
aura of
And again, after reciting the Gokai, stay in this position for a short while, and simply let the Reiki flow.
When you feel ready, gently reposition your hands once
recipient is still holding their hands in gassho at heart
centre level.
your left hand against the edge
of the recipient's hands, at the base of their little fingers
(you might like to lightly clasp their hands in your palm) and place
your right on the recipient's back at the same level, between their shoulder-blades.
again, you may wish to hold the image of the kanji-form of the word 'Gokai' in your mind's eye
the Gokai out loud a third and final time, mindfully, with feeling. Again, be a ware of the aura of light.
Stay in this position for a short while, and simply let the Reiki flow.
When you are ready, with
a measured, flowing motion, move slowly in a clockwise direction around the
recipient, to position yourself behind them once more. Be mindful to pass behind the image of the Gokai displayed in front of the recipient - do not interrupt their line of sight.
behind the recipient, raise your hands to a position approximately 6 -
8 inches to either side of their shoulders, your palms facing towards
each other.
Let the Reiki flow.
And as you do so, visualize the recipient as being immersed in an aura of
light –
an almost tangible field of mindful wisdom,
gratitude and
compassion generated
by the resonance of the words that constitute the Gokai - a living
vibration of the essential core
of Usui-sensei's teachings.
As the Reiki flows, this aura of 'Gokai Light' intensifies and deepens, grows brighter, more and more vibrant.
Stay with the process for as long as you feel inclined to.
[At this point in the ceremony, a number of
people have independently reported 'seeing' the Japanese words of the Gokai
dancing, swirling and circling about the recipient, passing into,
and flowing out from, their body...]
When you are ready, perform
gassho and bow ( to the Light of Wisdom residing within the
you began the ceremony with a 'calming' aura-sweep, nearing the end of the ceremony you now perform an
'energizing' aura-sweep.
time the sweep is in an upward direction.
care not to 'ruffle' the recipient's energy field in the process, arc your
hands out to the sides as, bending from your knees as you need to,
you reach down towards the floor. (As with the aura sweeps at the
start of the ritual, it is important here to keep your hands out to
the sides as, on this occasion, you move downwards, so as not to
accidentally 'sweep the field' in a downward direction at this time)
one smooth, firm, steady, continuous motion, sweep your hands upwards
behind the recipient's back, from the level of their feet up to a
point above their head
this upward aura-sweeping process twice more.
Clap your hands.
Clap your hands a second time.
yourself once more:
a few brief moments, close your eyes - Simply 'be':
- silently and restfully 'watching the breath': loosely focussing on
the natural rhythms of your own breathing. There is no interference
with the natural process - no seeking to consciously breathe - merely
to be aware that you are breathing effortlessly.
When you are ready, perform
gassho and bow to the recipient.
the recipient lightly on the shoulder. Let
this be a pre-arranged signal to the recipient that the Gokai Blessing
ceremony is complete and that they are now invited to bow to the Light of Wisdom residing within the Gokai..
forms of the Gokai Blessing:
Gokai Blessing:
level one practitioners who wish to utilize the Blessing (and also
for those level 2 or 3 practitioners who choose, for whatever reason,
not to work with the Reiki symbols) it is possible to practice a
'symbol-free' version of the Gokai Blessing5 (in much the same way
as level one practitioners can substitute Nentatsu ho for
Seiheki Chiryo ho).
This version of the Blessing is
exactly the same as the main version detailed above with the
exception: after performing the initial three calming aura-sweeps,
the practitioner simply omits the drawing/intoning of the
symbols/mantras, and continues from: "Breathe. Clap your hands. " etc.
Gokai Blessing:
is possible to perform the Gokai Blessing for a client or fellow
practitioner who for genuine reasons cannot receive the
Blessing 'hand-to-hand' (i.e. in person), however it is important to
be mindful that the option to share the Blessing at a distance does
not encourage laziness in either the practitioner or the recipient.
Gokai Blessing - "the Empty Chair":
Gokai Blessing: is essentially performed in much the same way as the
'in-person' Gokai Blessing, yet with two particular differences:
difference is that, after performing the initial three calming
aura-sweeps, an additional symbol is inserted into the procedure.
The practitioner first draws the HSZSN in the air above the
centre of the recipient's head, silently intones the symbol's
mantra, lets the Reiki flow - then continues as described above - drawing the SHK symbol,
intoning its mantra, then the CKR, etc, etc.
more obvious difference is of course the fact that the recipient is
not present.
the practitioner should proceed as if recipient
is indeed present, and
seated upright yet relaxed on a stool or chair, with their hands in
their lap, feet flat on the ground, anticipating the ceremony that is
to come...
Visualize the recipient sitting in front of
or not you choose to make use of a physical stool or chair is
up to you.)
the recipient is someone you have never met, then you should arrange
in advance to get a photo of them – one with a clear image of their
face (something to request when you arrange a mutually agreeable time
to participate in the ceremony.) Note:
You do not use the photograph when performing the ceremony, only to
see what they look like so you can clearly visualize them]
the recipient as best you can in your mind's eye.
their name three times as you concentrate on their image.
their presence.
simply perform the ceremony, as described above...
Gokai Blessing - a couple of observations:
1, For
some, there will always be the temptation to merely visualize the entire Distance Gokai Blessing ceremony, but to do so is to discard an important dimension of
the process.
The esoteric doctrine, known in Japanese as: san
(hi)mitsu (the three secrets/mysteries) reminds us of the
profound spiritual and energetic potentials
arising via the unification of the power of, as it is phrased: "thought &
word & deed" ( i.e. visualization, vocalization, and
physical action)
merely visualizing the ceremony may indeed bring one level of
efficacy – adding the complementing power of vocalization
and action to the ceremony will round out and enhance that
So, rather than merely visualizing the Distance Gokai
Blessing ceremony, physically carry out the entire ceremony
- actually stand, perform gassho, bow, move, gesture, recite the
words, draw the symbols, etc
- in three-dimensional space -
as if the recipient was indeed present.
2, For
others, there will always be the temptation to [in what some might
consider a half-hearted
manner] merely 'wish' or 'intend' that the Blessing be automatically
us call to mind the fourth Principle:
expressed as “Work hard”, on one level this Principle speaks to
the need to:
"Be diligent in your
your Heart and Soul into all that you do"
the Gokai Blessing ceremony is shared 'in-person' or at a distance,
we should give 100% of ourselves to the process, and manifest the same degree of Commitment, Dedication, and
Respect – for the recipient, for the Gokai, and for ourselves.
Gokai Blessing
can be performed in much the same way as the Distance Gokai Blessing,
in this instance, you visualize yourself sitting in the empty
chair as you physically go through the motions of performing the
[You can perhaps dispense with the part about calling the
recipient's name three times.]
not attempt to perform the Gokai Blessing for any individual who has
not given their verbal (or written) permission.
do so would be to dishonour and disrespect both yourself
and the recipient.
1, - rather
than the 'healing hand' practices
The deeper the practitioner's own connection/interaction with, and
understanding/appreciation of, the Gokai, the deeper their scope for facilitating the Gokai Blessing for others.
The Japanese kanji-character pronounced as "Oko" can also
be pronounced as "Ika".
Several Reiki teachers prefer to use "Ika" as they consider it was the more common
pronunciation in the Meiji / Taisho era during which Usui-sensei
lived, whereas "Oko" is seen as a more current pronunciation.
the Gokai are all about "just for today" - about being centred in the
present - in the current moment...
Use whichever feels more appropriate to you.
In fact, for each of the three 'intonement-points' (i.e. the positions at which the Gokai are recited), if you or the
recipient wish, you may position your hands a couple of inches off
the body in the recipient's aura.
However, the use of the SHK and CKR brings a greater depth to the
Blessing process.
HERE (Document No. 44 on list)