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Copyright © 2002 James Deacon

The following technique, for increasing the circulation of ki to the hands, is a simple yet profoundly beneficial one.

This technique comes from the loose 'conglomeration' of miscellaneous practices and techniques referred to as reiryoku no michi:

"the Way of [connection with] Spiritual Power"

or, alternatively:

"the Way of the Soul's Power"

It can be practiced seated on a chair, stool or bench, or in a crosslegged posture or in the seiza posture.

Choose a time and place where you are unlikely to be disturbed - initially 5 -10 minutes will be quite sufficient for practice - with regular practice, the time you invest in the exercise will naturally increase.

Take off your shoes. And wherever you are doing this exercise - indoors or out, make sure the floor/ground is both comfortable and warm. Do not practice this on cold floors/ground, do not practice in the cold, generally.

Sit up straight (comfortably so - no need for rigid military-style posture - this will only impede the technique). Rest your hands, palms down, on your legs.

'Hara-centre' yourself: i.e. focus loosely in your seika tanden (the area deep inside your body, mid-way between your navel and the top of your pubic bone) - co-ordinating body & mind.

Become loosely aware of the natural rhythms of your breathing. The term used is: 'watching the breath' - this implies non-interference with the natural process of respiration. Do not seek to consciously breathe - merely be aware that you are breathing effortlessly.

After a couple of minutes, keeping your shoulders and your arm as relaxed as possible, cover your left ear with the palm of your right hand.
Continue to let your breath flow effortlessly.

When you feel your right arm beginning to get tired (let it get to the stage of being a 'good tired' but don't over do it), gently lower it to rest palm up on your right thigh.

Again, keeping shoulders and arm as relaxed as possible, this time cover your right ear with the palm of your left hand.
Continue to let your breath flow effortlessly.

When you feel your left arm beginning to get tired, gently lower it to rest palm up on your left thigh.

After a moment's pause, cover your left ear with the palm of your right hand again, and also
cover your right ear with the palm of your left hand - arms and shoulders relaxed as possible - your breath flowing as effortlessly as possible also.

Again, continue until your arms feel tired , then once more gently lower them - this time palms down - on your thighs.


Many people may find this exercise a little awkward at first - it just takes a little getting used to.

(It will also help if you wear light and loosely-fitting clothing on your upper body.)

The length of time you can maintain this exercise for will increase with practice, but it as much (if not more) about quality of practice as it is about length of practice. Your arms and shoulders must remain relaxed, your breath must remain effortless.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this site is for general information only. James Deacon does not necessarily endorse the methodology, techniques or philosophy of individual modalities detailed herein, and accepts no liability for the use or misuse of any practice or exercise on this site, or ones linked to this site.