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Alternative Reiju Process version 2
Copyright © 2008 James Deacon

The following reiju process may possibly be familiar to some folk trained in certain styles of Japanese Reiki...

[Of course, this is merely a description of the physical 'form' of the process - the inner aspect: the energetic/spiritual component of sharing reiju with a student, cannot be learnt from a written description.]



Some people, it seems, mistakenly believe that the knowledge of how to perform the reiju procedure (or, for that matter, the western Reiki initiation/attunement procedure) must be kept secret

- that if the procedures become common knowledge, then anyone (even non-Reiki people), by learning how to perform them, will gain the 'power' to awaken the Reiki ability in others.

But this is not the case.

"One cannot give what one does not have."

The reiju and initiation/attunement procedures are methods for sharing the Gift that is the Reiki ability.

If you haven't 'received' the Reiki ability yourself, you cannot 'pass' it to another - cannot awaken the ability in another - no matter how much you, as a Japanese friend of mine puts it: "wave your hands about, visualize shirushi, chant jumon, or 'intend' it to happen."


A Simple Level 1 / Level 2 Reiju Process:
Copyright © 2008 James Deacon

The student should be relaxed and sitting with eyes closed and hands in gassho position.
A short meditation may be performed if desired.

Standing behind the student, place your hands on their shoulders for a few moments and make energetic connection with them.

When ready, moving in a clockwise direction around the student (i.e. past their left shoulder), position yourself in front of the student.

Perform gassho and bow to the student.

Grasp the tips of the student's fingers with your non-dominant hand and position your dominant hand about 5 - 10 cm above the student's crown.

For Level 1: write the HSZSN above the student's crown while mentally reciting the associated jumon three times (reciting the jumon is optional).

For Level 2: first write the HSZSN, then the SHK, then the CKR - for each symbol reciting the associated jumon three times (reciting the jumon is optional).

Maintain this position, projecting energy to the student for a few moments.

Kneel down (on one knee) in front of the student

The student's hands are still in the gassho position. Take their hands in yours.

For Level 1: Holding the student's hands, move them so as to write the HSZSN while mentally reciting the associated jumon three times (reciting the jumon is optional). Gently squeeze the student's hands, then relax your grip again

For Level 2: Holding the student's hands, move them so as to first write the HSZSN, then the SHK, then the CKR - for each symbol reciting the associated jumon three times (reciting the jumon is optional). After writing each symbol, gently squeeze the student's hands, then relax your grip again.

Next, loosely cup your hands around the student's (without touching them) and project energy to the student's hands for a few moments.

Perform gassho and bow.

Stand up; then, moving in a clockwise direction around the student (i.e. passing their right side), position yourself behind the student's shoulders once more.

For level 1: write the HSZSN above the student's crown (without touching it), while mentally reciting the associated jumon three times (reciting the jumon is optional).

For Level 2: first write the HSZSN, then the SHK, then the CKR - for each symbol reciting the associated jumon three times (reciting the jumon is optional)

Positioning both hands above and behind the student's crown, you 'push' the energy, imagining it moving downwards within their body as you move your hands down behind their head, their shoulders, down their spine, past their coccyx and thighs.
At this point, turning your palms upwards, raise your hands once more up along the spine, and on up past the student's head. As you reach a point above their head, separate your hands and be aware of returning the energy to 'Heaven' or Sky.

Perform gassho, and step backwards

Hands still in gassho, mentally asserting that the reiju is complete, give thanks to those you have asked assistance / protection / guidance from.

Touch the student gently on the shoulder and inform them that the reiju is complete.


Alternative Reiju versions can be found here and here

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