Ho is a technique for reducing high temperature / bringing
down a fever.
technique can be incorporated into a general Reiki treatment,
or used as a stand-alone practice.
One formal version of the stand-alone application of Genetsu
Ho is as follows:
your hands, palms down, on your thighs.
your eyes and 'hara-centre' yourself: focus your awareness in
your seika tanden
a few moments, simply 'be' - silently and restfully 'watching
the breath': loosely focussing on the natural rhythms of your
breathing. There is no interference with the natural process
- no seeking to consciously breathe - merely to be aware that
you are breathing effortlessly.
yourself 'see' and feel the Reiki pervading and permeating your
entire being - know that you are one with the phenomenon that
is Reiki - part of it.
in this awareness, perform gassho rei (the gassho
bow) and make a silent statement of intent - something to the
effect that you will now begin this treatment for the healing
and wellness of your client.
The client
can be lying down for this treatment.
to the left side of the client's head, place your left hand
on their forehead (your right hand may rest in your lap or
on your thigh).
this position for as long as you intuit is appropriate (this
might be somewhere in the region of 20 to 30 minutes.)
Be aware
of the Reiki flow beneath your hands. You may silently affirm
the desire that as Reiki flows, the temperature / fever will
be - gently - reduced.
you are ready, move your hands to rest on the client's temples
for up to 10 minutes.
reposition your hands to the back of the head and neck for
a further 10 minutes or so; then to the throat (10 minutes),
then to the crown of the head (10 minutes).
to be aware of the Reiki flow beneath your hands, 'see' and
feel the Reiki flow. Be in the experience.
move your hands to rest on the client's to the stomach and
intestines for about 15 minutes.
To complete
the procedure, withdraw your hands from the client, and perform
gassho rei
kansha - gratitude - for having been granted this opportunity
to assist your client to heal themself.
can of course also self-treat with Genetsu