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[ This is merely a description of the physical 'form' of the process - the inner aspect: the energetic/spiritual component of sharing denju with a student cannot be learnt from a written description.

As a Japanese friend of mine put it "If you haven't received the denju yourself, you cannot pass it to another, no matter how much you wave your hands about, visualise shirushi, chant jumon, or 'intend' it to happen."]

The student sits upright on a chair - feet flat on the floor, hands held in gassho (in front of the Heart Centre), eyes closed.

The Teacher briefly explains to the student what will be taking place, and participation required on their part, e.g. raising hands on cue, etc.

Standing behind the student, the Teacher places both hands on student's shoulders (alternatively, on the top of the student's head), meditating briefly to bring both parties into energetic/emotional rapport.

The Teacher draws the DKM over the student's head with their dominant hand, while (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times.

Visualising the DKM above the student's head, the Teacher, guides it with their dominant hand - moving it down into the Crown Centre, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

The Teacher t
ouches the student on the left shoulder - the cue for them to raise their hands, still held in the gassho position, up above their head.

The Teacher draws the CKR over the student's hands with their dominant hand, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the symbol in the air, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the student's hands, then down into the Crown Centre, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

The Teacher then draws the SHK over the student's head with their dominant hand, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the symbol in the air, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the hands, then down into the Crown Centre, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

The Teacher then draws the HSZSN over the student's head with their dominant hand, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the symbol in the air, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the hands, then down into the Crown Centre, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

The Teacher gently guides the student’s hands back down to their original gassho position in front of the Heart Centre, then repositions themself to stand front of the student.

As if opening a book, the Teacher opens the student’s hands flat, and holding them in their non-dominant hand, draws the CKR over the student's 'third eye' with their dominant hand, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the CKR in the air, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the third eye, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

The Teacher then draws the SHK over the student's 'third eye' with their dominant hand, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the SHK in the air over the student's third eye, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the third eye, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

The Teacher then draws the HSZSN over the student's 'third eye' with their dominant hand, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the HSZSN in the air over the student's third eye, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the third eye, and on down to lodge in the base of the brain.

Once more, with their dominant hand, the Teacher draws the CKR over the student's hands, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the CKR in the air, they guide it with their dominant hand - moving it into the hands, then firmly pats the hands three times.

Next, the Teacher draws the SHK over the student's hands, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the SHK , the Teacher, guides it with their dominant hand - moving it into the hands, then firmly pats the hands three times.

The Teacher draws the HSZSN over the student's hands, (silently) chanting the symbol's mantra-name three times, as - visualising the HSZSN, the Teacher, guides it with their dominant hand - moving it into the hands, then firmly pats the hands three times.

Then, as if closing a book, the Teacher brings the student’s hands together again and returns them to their original gassho position (i.e. in front of the Heart Centre)

The Teacher then blows over the student's hands, upwards as far as the Crown Centre, then back down as far as the Solar Plexus, then back up to the hands.

Positioning themself behind the student once more, the Teacher places their hands on the student’s shoulders. Looking down at the student's crown, the Teacher visualises a clear open central channel down into the student's Heart Centre.

The Teacher 'places' a positive affirmation into the student’s heart - (silently) repeating it three times with the intent that it be accepted by the student's subconscious. [Prior to Initiation the choice of appropriate affirmation is discussed with the student]

Placing their hands on the student's neck just below the jaw-line, the Teacher brings their thumbs together to rest on the student's occipital ridge (the protrusion at the base of the skull).

Momentarily (and ever so gently), the Teacher lifts the student's head - slightly stretching the spine - while affirming ‘’With Divine Love and Wisdom, this initiation is now sealed’’, or words to this effect.

The important thing is not so much the words used as the fact that the Teacher truly experiences ( -intends, knows, feels, believes in their Heart) that the initiation - and thus, the student's connection with the Reiki phenomenon - is permanently sealed.

While carrying out this 'sealing' process, some Teachers visualise a door (with the CKR on it) closing and being locked.

The Teacher places their hands on the student’s shoulders again and affirms:
"In the sharing of this Initiation process we both receive blessings’’, or words to this effect.

Positioning themself in front of the student once more, the Teacher instructs the student to lower their hands, place them palms-down on their thighs, and to breathe slowly,deeply and smoothly.

After a moment the student is instructed to open their eyes.

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